Friday, November 27, 2009

New Sewing Machine Dust Cover

Finally!  I sewed a dust cover for my relatively new machine.  I had an older McCall's pattern but wanted a more modern look.  The McCalls called for quilting and it was quite large.

Instead, I merely took apart the pathetic (but well-fitting) cheap vinyl cover that came with the machine and made my own out of some canvas materials (Funktastic materials from Sew-La - that I believe were made in Japan) that I love.  It looks good!  I would say great, but now that I've put it together I would have thought through how to do it better (and simpler!).

I may still so some finishing touches.  I used one of the decorative stitches for the handle opening.  I also made the binding as well which was easy - I used a bit of cord and a cord or piping foot.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Easy Breezy Pants KS 3271

Well, I did a really easy and somewhat satisfying pair of pants with (gasp!) elastic!  Yes, I know but we all have those "fat" days (at least I do!).

I'm posting a review on Pattern Review, which I include below.
Kwik Sew 3271

And, the obligatory butt shot - lots of wrinkles, but I like the fit overall - I took out too much ease I think in the hips!

Monday, November 16, 2009

And then there's Maude!

Well, I did the overly done "Simplicity 2603 Cozy."  I thought it would be an easy pattern but it was irritating to me in many respects - I'll post the review on PR sometime in the next day or two and link to it in my blog here.

Well, Simplicity Patterns just seem to irritate me - I may be a beginner but some things about their drafting don't make sense.  So, in total, I like the cozy but I don't love it.  I made the full arms, and really adding the bell sleeves looks wonky (and my stitching is iffy).  In addition,  I think the back is a bit short - I'd prefer two more inches. . . in reading the pattern reviews, I noticed that most people said the M was too large for them (with similar figures) but I made a large and it has a lot of ease but isn't that long in the back.  Similarly, I made another rookie error - no forward sleeve adjustment and round back adjustment which would have corrected the back length. . . I even did that on the Elvis'.    The sleeves had a ridiculous amount of ease on the shoulder portion making them hard to set in or get them flat (after three tries I'm sticking with what I have).

I like it better today with it on than yesterday - when I wanted to throw it out of our house!!

My mother helpfully added that it's the worst thing she's ever seen and hates the style (not necessarily my sewing:)).

So, I'm taking a step back to some easy pants with a little elastic in the back - I think the stretch knit was too much for me. . . it took just over four hours but it did drive me a bit nutty (because of the redos).

Finally, it is slimming on but I don't love being "Maude."  I'm very sensitive to that:)  I include a picture on "Wilheminia" the dressform. . . .

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A visit to LA's Fashion District and PGM Dressforms

Well, I finally made it down to LA this morning - to the PGM dressform factory (which was having a huge moving discount) before they go to Baldwin Park.  It was so much fun.  Dressforms everywhere. . .

Below you will see a picture of a few in Camo print - I liked the legs/crotch area for pants/shorts - they didn't have my size but they were 99.00 for those - I'll have to keep them in mind in case they ever get any more.

My big decision was between a linen and black dress form  - I went with the black because I think it would be cleaner and because I don't necessarily have a need for the industry standard. . . It was 189.00 the linen dress forms were 259-299 (clearance) . .

I'll send a picture up as soon as I get a good one posted.  I also bought a size 12. . . I'm probably a PGM 14 (but not in the hips - more like a 10/12) but I bought a 12 because I can always pad up.  I've decided if I can only get to my goal weight I may get one custom - they are reasonable there - I think 699.00 custom to your measurements. . . but I'm not working on that as I shopped around the LA fashion district and had a wonderful bacon wrapped hot dog!! Fun Fun!!

Coyotes on the Porch

The Ps and I were walking out in the dark late last night in the foothills of Ventura - around 1120  - coming back up to our house - we were surprised by two coyotes on the porch!!

They proceeded down the steps and crossed the road and even had the temerity to approach up - Pixie went nuts!! She wanted some coyote meal.  But Paddy (in his laid back manner) ignored them.

It startled me - at first I thought they were leashless dogs - but no - two hunting coyotes - I could hear their pack's howls in the beginning of the walk - which was eery.  Since I've head of the Canadian coyote attack - I felt defenseless as they approached. .  .

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pixie Visits Her Family and Has a Dog Day afternoon

We all loaded up the car to Ron and Tia's house for a "dog day afternoon" (thanks Janet for applying that phrase to our Kerry friends' event)!

Here is Pixie (Little P), left, her mom Lola, middle and her dad Mr. O'Reilly ("Mr. O"), right.

Here is the gang (well, part of the gang!!)

Whew!! That was fun - Paddy got quite a bit of attention for his good looks and Pixie provided the puppy power!!